Teen Driving

Your teen is getting ready to start learning to drive. Scary, right? Anything can happen behind the wheel, no matter how good of a driver they might be. Here, we compiled a list of statistics and helpful tips to start talking to your teen about safe driving.

Start the conversation early

The earlier you start talking to your teen about driving, the more equipped they will be by the time they turn 16. Talk to them about the importance of staying alert and focused when driving, and set a good example for them to follow. No multitasking (especially texting!) when driving. 88% of teens who identify themselves as safe drivers admit to multitasking while driving. This can include anything from eating to texting, and all can be equally dangerous since they take your attention off the road.

Share statistics and stories

It’s important to share stories and statistics with your teen to make sure they understand how dangerous driving can be. By sharing this information, hopefully the “well, that will never happen to me” mindset will fade. Education is power. By keeping them informed, they will be able to make educated decisions about their driving. Here’s some statistics to share:

Car accidents are the leading cause of teen death in the US

6 out of 10 teen crashes are caused by distracted driving

Teens have the lowest rates of seat belt use (compared with other age groups)

Set expectations

Setting expectations (and more importantly – maintaining them) are extremely important with teen drivers. They shouldn’t be driving if they don’t think they’ll have any consequences! Making sure your expectations of their driving are consistently met is very important – it could save your teens life!

Get Discounts!

Some insurance agencies offer discounts for teen drivers who have gone through Driver’s Ed classes and/or have high grades, and there’s a reason! Teen drivers who haven’t gone through Driver’s Ed have a 24% higher chance of being involved in a fatal or sustaining a serious injury as a result of an accident. So, get those discounts!

Hopefully these statistics and tips can help keep your teen driver safe and sound. If you have any questions about teen driving insurance, don’t hesitate to reach out to Integrity!



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