IRM Makes Starting Your Agency Easy

Starting an independent insurance agency can be difficult.  Integrity Risk Management invests in entrepreneurs and makes the process easy so you can be set up for success.

Support To Help You Win

When it comes to owning and operating a successful insurance agency there are many hidden challenges.  IRM provides all of the tools and support you need to start fast and grow even faster.

We Understand Insurance

Integrity Insurance Group was started as a scratch agency in 2008.  Our goal is to help you start an agency and keep you on the path to revenue growth year after year.

IRM Provided Services

We include more for you than any other Cluster/MGA

Top Carrier Access

Policy Servicing

AMS (Agency Management System)

Exclusive System Integrations

CRM (Client Relationship Management)

Producer Training Platform

Producer Recruiting & Training

Experienced Coaching & Mentorship

Performance Analytics

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