My House Survived the February Storm, Now What?

Congratulations! You were one of the lucky ones whose home escaped the winter storm unscathed, with no water damage from frozen pipe bursts. Maybe you have survivor’s remorse, feeling guilty because so many of your friends or neighbors weren’t as fortunate. Now what?

You can use this event as a wake up call, to make sure that if this generational storm damage happens to your home again next year, you are ready for it. Here are some action items you can take:

1. Know where your water shutoff is.

  •  Is it in your house or do you need to turn it off from a box by your front curb?
  •  Do you have the proper tools to access it and turn it off?

storm damage home

2. Have the name and phone number for a good plumber as well as a water restoration company in your contact list of your phone. Ask for recommendations from someone you trust if you aren’t sure who to use.

3. Review your homeowners insurance policy.

  • Do you know what you’re covered for?
  • Do you have limitations for water damage?
  • What is your deducible for water losses?
  • Do you have foundation water damage coverage slab leaks?
  • Do you have service line coverage for damage to underground utility lines (water lines, power lines)?
  • Can you add some of the above coverages to your policy if you don’t have them?

4. Shop your insurance.

  • Rates will likely be impacted by this storm, and although you may not have had a loss, many Texans did, which could cause rates to jump at your next renewal.

5. If you have a swimming pool, it’s unlikely that your homeowners insurance policy will cover damage from freezing, so ask the pool builder or equipment manufacturer if there is a warranty available to cover damage from freezing

If you have any questions regarding storm damage to your home, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Get a quote now by clicking here.

Feel free to reach out if you have any insurance questions:
Lee Siegel
972-930-7086 x114


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