Current Liability Limits on Auto Insurance?

When I ask clients, “Do you know what your current liability limits are on your auto insurance?” The biggest answer I get is: I don’t know, or I don’t know what you mean – I just have full coverage.

It’s important to know what your liability limits are incase of an at fault accident.

Full coverage just means you are covered all the way around on your vehicle as well as the other persons if you’re the reason for the damage caused. There are several liability limits to choose from. Choose which liability limits you’d like here.

You want to make sure your limits are high enough to cover damages to another person and/or their vehicle should the accident be your fault. The state of Texas has a minimum of what you need to carry on your insurance, but that does not mean you’re “fully covered” in a bad accident, which many people get confused.

It’s our job as agents to educate our clients on what they are paying for and what they are covered for. It matters big time when it comes to claims. That’s why I go over every coverage with the client on the phone or in person and make sure they understand their what their policy covers.


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